What a whirlwind ride over the last month! I hope everyone is staying safe, sane and enjoying some of this beautiful weather. I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who is much happier when the sun is out.
Today I am focusing on gratefulness and positivity. I have been buying rainbow coloured clothing (not joking) and I am super excited that we will (hopefully) be opening on 5 November!!! I cant wait to be in the shop with customers! Who knows, maybe on 26 October I will put a table out the front for outdoor trading, we will see how we go.
While the shop has been closed I have taken the opportunity to do some rearranging. Keep an eye out on Instagram and Facebook for the facelift updates, its going to look amazing!
We also have some new makers coming on board. Welcome Modstitch (very cool cross stitch kits), Sope (all natural, masculine scented soaps) and Stardust (macramé rainbows and kits). Keep an eye out for them on the website as they join the store.
A small reminder, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like me to put together any care packages for you or your nearest and dearest! There have been some beautiful ones going out and I haven't been very good at showing them off on social media.
Now, the topic I didn't want to discuss, but its everywhere and making me quite stressed ... da da daaaa ... Christmas! Holey moley Christmas has started early this year. For those that are very organised, I have started a Christmas section on the website. I will keep adding all your chrissy needs as I receive them in store. I plan on putting together some sort of buying guide, but that's for next month (I hope).
Lastly, a huge, ginormous THANK YOU to all of you. It has been a really tough few months and I really do smile every time I see a comment or like on social media, and I actually do a happy dance every time an order pops up. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Stay smiling
Stef XXX
Boredom Busters Updated
A few more things have been added to the boredom busters collection so make sure you take a look. 2 highlights: New maker, Modstitch's cross stitch kits and Vicinity Store's new Melbourne jigsaw puzzle.
Baby Season
Yes that's right, its spring and it is baby season. Our gorgeous handmade baby gifts have been walking out the door lately. There have been some restocks and new items added to the website to you have lots of beautiful choices.
Hayley Lauren Design
I thought this month, I would focus your attention on the very talented Hayley, who makes the amazing zen doodle prints we have around the store. Her A-Z letters are always so popular, as are the furbaby prints.
Hi, my name is Hayley the creator of Hayley Lauren Design.
My illustrations are aimed to put a smile on your face. They are perfect to brighten up a nursery or kids bedroom.
I originally studied Textile Design at RMIT graduating in 2015. During this time I attended a lot of craft markets which inspired me to give it a go and 6 years later I am still selling my art at various craft markets and shops.
My designs come in a variety of different styles and mediums, from watercolour to organic line work. My free flowing designs are a creative expression and insight into the way I see the world. For me, it’s about being free and having fun with art.
To see my process check out my Instagram @hayleylaurendesign
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